
Components (Not Bevy ECS componets, but UI components) bundle certain UI behavior under a single entity. Example can be Button, Text input, Calendar, Minimap, etc.

Creating a Component

Begin by creating a new .rs file in the components folder. First, define a public component that will serve as the abstraction.

fn main() {
// components/

/// When this component is added, a UI system is built
pub struct CustomButton {
    // Any fields we want to interact with should be here.
    text: String,

Best practice is that all components should be sandboxed. For that reason we need to define a new marker component, that will be used ONLY for UI inside this button component (instead of MainUi).

fn main() {
// components/

/// Marker struct for the sandboxed UI
struct CustomButtonUi;

Next, create a system that builds the component UI when the component is added. This system will insert the UiTree component into the same entity and spawn the UI elements as children.

fn main() {
// components/

/// System that builds the route when the component is added
fn build_route(mut commands: Commands, assets: Res<AssetServer>, query: Query<Entity, Added<CustomButtom>>) {
    for entity in &query {
            // Insert this bundle into the entity that just got the CustomButtom component
            // Note that CustomButtonUi is used here instead of MainUi

        // Now spawn the UI as children
        )).with_children(|ui| {
            // Spawn some UI nodes
                // Link this widget
                // Note that CustomButtonUi is used here instead of MainUi

                // Add layout

                // Give it a background image
                UiImage2dBundle {
                    texture: assets.load("images/button.png"),
                    sprite: Sprite { color: Color::RED, ..default() },

                // Give the texture 9-slice tilling
                ImageScaleMode::Sliced(TextureSlicer { border: BorderRect::square(32.0), ..default() }),

Finally, add the system to a plugin.

fn main() {
// components/

pub struct CustomButtonPlugin;
impl Plugin for CustomButtonPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
            // Add Lunex plugins for our sandboxed UI

            // NOTE! Systems changing the UI need to run before UiSystems::Compute
            // or they will not get picked up by change detection.
            .add_systems(Update, build_route.before(UiSystems::Compute));

Don't forget to add this plugin in component/

Spawning a component

To spawn the component, you have to spawn it as UI node of another UI system, either a route or another component.

fn main() {
// Spawning the component

    CustomButton {
        text: "PRESS ME!".to_string(),

To despawn the component, call .despawn_recursive on the spawned entity.

fn main() {
// Despawning the component