
In the context of a user interface, a "route" refers to a specific page of content, similar to HTML. Examples of routes might include the Main Menu, Settings, Inventory, etc.

Creating a Route

Begin by creating a new .rs file in the routes folder. First, define a public component that will serve as the abstraction for the route.

fn main() {
// routes/

/// When this component is added, a UI system is built
pub struct MyRoute;

Next, create a system that builds the route when the component is added. This system will insert the UiTree component into the same entity and spawn the UI elements as children.

fn main() {
// routes/

/// System that builds the route when the component is added
fn build_route(mut commands: Commands, assets: Res<AssetServer>, query: Query<Entity, Added<MyRoute>>) {
    for route_entity in &query {

        // Make our route a spatial entity
        ).with_children(|route| {

            // Spawn some additional non UI components if you need to.

            // Here you can spawn the UI
            )).with_children(|ui| {

                // Spawn some UI nodes
                    UiLayout::solid().size((1920.0, 1080.0)).scaling(Scaling::Fill).pack::<Base>(),


Lastly, add the system to a plugin.

fn main() {
// routes/

pub struct MyRoutePlugin;
impl Plugin for MyRoutePlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut App) {
            // NOTE! Systems changing the UI need to run before UiSystems::Compute
            // or they will not get picked up by change detection.
            .add_systems(Update, build_route.before(UiSystems::Compute));

Don't forget to add this plugin in routes/

Spawning a route

To spawn the route, simply call:

fn main() {
// Spawning the route

To despawn the route, call .despawn_recursive on the spawned entity.

fn main() {
// Despawning the route

With this setup, you can effectively manage different UI routes within your application, keeping your codebase organized and maintainable.