Installation & Setup
Adding Bevy_Lunex
to your project is straightforward, just like any other Rust crate.
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
bevy_lunex = { version = "*" }
Alternatively, you can use the latest bleeding edge version from the Git repository:
bevy_lunex = { git = "" }
Project Setup
You have to add the UiLunexPlugin
to your application.
fn main() -> AppExit {
// Add necessary plugins
.add_plugins((DefaultPlugins, UiLunexPlugin))
Next you have to spawn your camera. Your main camera must have the UiSourceCamera::<N>
component, with N
being a constant from 0..3
The purpose of this is that if you are creating a splitscreen game, you can have up to 4 cameras. This component tells the UI which camera's viewport size to use as the root node size.
If you need more indexes, you can add UiLunexIndexPlugin::<N>
for said index manually.
fn spawn_camera(mut commands: Commands) {
// Spawn the camera
// This camera will become the source for all UI paired to index 0.
Camera2d, UiSourceCamera::<0>,
// Ui nodes start at 0 and move + on the Z axis with each depth layer.
// This will ensure you will see up to 1000 nested children.
Transform::from_translation(Vec3::Z * 1000.0),
// Explained in # Chapters/Debug-Tooling section of the book
RenderLayers::from_layers(&[0, 1]),