Quick start

Now that we have everything setup, let's create some quick UI.

First, spawn a UiLayoutRoot. This is where our UI will start. You can specify the size of the UI viewport with Dimension component, but for 2D we don't want that. Instead we add UiFetchFromCamera::<N> with N being the index of our camera's UiSourceCamera::<N> component.

This will ensure that the Camera -> Dimension -> UiLayout pipeline will always be up to date.

// Create UI
    // Initialize the UI root for 2D

    // Make the UI synchronized with camera viewport size

)).with_children(|ui| {

    // ... Here we will spawn our UI


And now inside the with_children closure we will spawn a red rectange node. This rectangle will be position exactly in the middle of our screen and with width 200px and height 50px.

    // You can name the entity
    Name::new("My Rectangle"),

    // Specify the position and size of the button
        .anchor(Anchor::Center) // Put the origin at the center
        .pos(Rl((50.0, 50.0)))  // Set the position to 50%
        .size((200.0, 50.0))    // Set the size to [200.0, 50.0]

    // Color the sprite with red color
    UiColor::from(Color::srgb(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),

    // Attach sprite to the node

    // When hovered, it will request the cursor icon to be changed

// Interactivity is done through observers, you can query anything here
)).observe(|_: Trigger<Pointer<Click>>, mut exit: EventWriter<AppExit>| {
    // Close the app on click

And thats it! You can of course do much more with the crate. Continue reading to learn on how to spawn text nodes, enable animations and much more!