
To render text, you use UiText2dBundle together with Window layout. All you have to do is specify the position and the anchor of the text node.

You can disregard any size parameters, as they get overwritten by text-size.

For text-size, the provided font_size parameter is used, but instead of pixels it becomes Rh unit. Currently it is hardcoded, but in the future you will be able to specify which unit to use.

fn main() {
// Link this widget

// Here we can define where we want to position our text within the parent node,
// don't worry about size, that is picked up and overwritten automaticaly by Lunex to match text size.
UiLayout::window().pos(Rl((5., 50.))).anchor(Anchor::CenterLeft).pack::<Base>(),

// Add text
UiText2dBundle {
    text: Text::from_section("Hello world!",
        TextStyle {
            font: assets.load("font.ttf"),
            font_size: 60.0, // Currently hardcoded as Relative height (Rh) - so 60% of the node height
            color: Color::RED,